Remote monitoring using long range wireless communication - System for monitoring sewage manhole pump
MU-3-429, MU-2-429
In the case where problems occur in infrastructure essential to daily living such as the sewage system's water level or pump, a swift response is required. The ICT sewage monitoring system that uses low power radio makes this possible. By using long range wireless communication for monitoring, it is possible to identify the source of the problem as soon as it occurs. This allows the sewage system to be operated and maintained safely.

KANTARO system to detect ground slope collapse - transmitting the sensor data by wireless
Gradual shifts in tilt can occur in natural or artificial ground slopes due to factors such as looseness and slipperage. The KANTARO was developed for capturing such shifts.
Measurements from the tilt sensor driven into the ground slope are taken at regular intervals. Changes in the tilt and the speed of change are determined and the level of risk evaluated. The data from the tilt sensor and information that could indicate imminent ground collapse can be transmitted quickly by radio making this useful in disaster prevention.

RF modem using LoRa® in the 429 MHz band: Machine monitoring system
The system is capable of obtaining information about various machines in the factory while forwarding it to a central management system in order to visualise their status and in realtime. Collected data can be exported to CSV file and if a machine stops for any reason, it is possible to notify by email to the operator automatically. By using the long range SLR-429M LoRa modem operating in the 429 MHz band for machine monitoring, large scale cable installation for communication is not required. Such IoT system can be introduced in a short time and at low cost.

Even in areas with no access to a power supply, the solar powered radio warning system ensures complete safety management in dangerous construction areas such as disaster prone areas and erosion control works.
CDT-TX-02M, CDT-RX-02M, WT-01
The construction area on the river and the general mountainous area around it carry a high risk of mudflow and landslides. While keeping construction workers safe, for the local residents in the area an emergency warning system that can immediately supply a warning is used.