2.4 GHz Telecommand ModuleNK-2.4Y

CE, ISM 2.4MHz, RoHS, FH

The NK-2.4Y is a 2.4 GHz embedded telecommand module that can transmit 8 on/off switching signals incorporating CRC-16 error detection for error free communication. A Hamming distance of 6 helps to minimize any malfunctions.

By setting one module as input mode and another as output mode, it's possible to drive a maximum of 8 outputs from 8 inputs. For example you can connect switches / buttons to the input module and control relays or motors at the output module.

The NK-2.4Y switches between transmit and receive rapidly allowing two way communication between input and output module to constantly monitor the communication link status. By displaying this link status as an output signal from the module, this will help the user stay within the signal coverage area. Frequency hopping minimizes interference from other nearby radio systems on the 2.4 GHz band. There is no need to manage any channels and multiple system operation in the same area is possible.

Low voltage and current consumption allows the module to operate on 2 x 1.5 V or 1 x lithium coin battery.

Communication is 1:1 only (1:N or N:1 not possible).

Note: The external antenna is not included with the NK-2.4Y. If required, please specify the antenna to be used. Refer to the antenna list here.

When the internal pattern antenna is used, please make sure to short the ANT select jumper on the board.



  • Module can be set to either input or output mode.
  • CRC-16 Error Detection
  • Achieves a Hamming distance of 6 to minimize malfunction
  • Transmission of max 8 switching signals by connecting simple external circuitry
  • Communication LOS: 100 m
  • Low current consumption (battery operation on 2 x 1.5 V or 1 x lithium battery (CR2032))
  • Rapid two way communication for confirmation of communication link status.
  • 1:1 communication only
  • Frequency hopping allows multiple systems in one area without concern about channel management
  • FCC Part 15, ISED RSS-247, ARIB STD-T66, EN300 440


  • Remote Tail lifts on trucks
  • Remote control of care lifts on welfare vehicles
  • Shutter open and close

Other products related to this product

Private: CDT-TX-02M-R, CDT-RX-03M

Multi Channel Telecommand Transmitter and Receiver

KST2.4S / KSR2.4

2.4 GHz Telecommand Unit


Radio Part

Parameter Specification Remarks
Applicable standard FCC Part 15
EN300 440
Communication method Simplex Two-way between paired modules
Frequency 2403 to 2479 MHz Frequency Hopping
RF output power 1.4 mW (+20%, -80%)
Communication bitrate 250 kbps
Communication mode 1:1 (Input mode: Output mode)
Hamming distance 6
Input / Output response 30 to 60 ms
Antenna Internal pattern antenna or specified external antennas
Supply Voltage 2.2 to 5.5 V DC
Operating temperature range -30 to +65 degree C
Dimension 35.3 x 17.8 x 3.5 mm
Weight 3.2 g
Communication range 100 m Line of sight

Input Mode

Parameter Specification Remarks
Inputs 8 Switch inputs
Input voltage range -0.3 V to REG + 0.3 V REG = Internal voltage 2.058 to 2.142 V
Input voltage threshold Low Level: 0.4 V (max)
High Level: 1.7 V (min)
Supply Current Typ. 3 mA ave.

Output Mode

Parameter Specification Remarks
Outputs 8 switch outputs
Output voltage range 0.3 V to REG + 0.3 V REG = Internal voltage 2.058 to 2.142 V
Output voltage threshold Low Level: 0.9 V (max)
High Level: 1.1 V (min)
Output holding time when communication shutoff 400 ms typ.
Supply Current When linked: Typ. 7 mA ave.
During linking: Typ. 14 mA ave.

External View


Data Sheet

Version 1.5 PDF

Operation Guide

Version 2.4 PDF

Supplementary Information

Approved antenna list for NK-2.4Y PDF
2.4 GHz telecommand module NK-2.4Y
NK-2.4Y demo video – Sensor and LEDs


Operation Guide

Version 1.0 PDF

Evaluation Tools : TB-NK2.4Y_IN, TB-NK2.4Y_OUT

The TB-NK2.4Y allows you to evaluate the NK-2.4Y and perform simple switching tests. Communication range can be tested easily by checking the LEDs on the output board.

Link status of modules can be confirmed by the LINK LED on both the input and output boards.

Note: Modules on the input and output boards are linked prior to shipment.


  • 8-push buttons and output LEDs
  • Power, Link and Low battery status indicator LEDs.
  • Operation with battery or external power supply
  • Terminals for direct connection to module.

External View


Board x 1
RF Module (NK-2.4Y) x 1
Antenna (ANT-2G4S3) x 1



Board x 1
RF Module (NK-2.4Y) x 1
Antenna (ANT-2G4S3) x 1



Whip Antenna

Frequency: 2.4 GHz
Gain: 0dBi


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Sleeve Antenna

Frequency: 2.4 GHz
Gain: 2dBi

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Whip antenna swivel type


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Waterproof swivel type

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MHF - RP-SMA conversion cable

Length: 150 mm
Connector: MHF - RPSMA

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Antenna List for NK-2.4Y

For list of approved antennas for NK-2.4Y, see here:

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